12 Key Lessons In Leadership We Can Learn From Famous (And Infamous) CEOs
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12 Key Lessons In Leadership We Can Learn From Famous (And Infamous) CEOs
Written by: Expert Panel®, Forbes Councils Member
German statesman Otto von Bismarck once said that the only man who learns from his own mistakes is the fool. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others.
There are numerous examples we can learn from in the world of business, both positive and negative. If we want to become wise leaders in our organizations, we must study the actions of other managers, not only so we don’t repeat their faux pas, but so we can emulate their most admirable and effective traits.
To this end, 12 experts from Forbes Coaches Council share valuable lessons from well-known CEOs that demonstrate the things we should and should not be doing when in a position of leadership.
Members offer some key leadership lessons that can be learned from well-known CEOs.
Photos courtesy of the individual members.
1. Take Ownership And Be Vulnerable
Take ownership and be vulnerable. CEOs who try to dodge the bullet in difficult situations or place blame elsewhere lose credibility quickly. Best advice: own up and be real. Part of being real is also being vulnerable. People are more forgiving when they know you are human. – Michelle Braden, MSBCoach, LLC
2. Focus On Doing The Right Thing
As a young executive in the corporate world, my boss used to say something I’ve never forgotten: “If you don’t want what you’re doing to be first-page news on the ‘New York Times,’ above the fold, then don’t do it!” The lesson, of course, was to focus on doing the right thing. While it is hard to do the right thing, it is harder still to recover after being found out that you did the wrong thing. – Faizun Kamal, The Franchise Pros
3. Value Integrity Above All Else
One thing they can learn is the immeasurable value of Integrity. Infamous CEOs are often born of a deficiency in integrity in the form of criminal behavior or ethical breach. The world is brutally unforgiving of an intentional violation of moral code. The dire consequences faced by Enron executives, for example, create a cautionary tale for leaders to keep a firm grip on the highest level of integrity. – Anita Nielsen, LDK Advisory Services
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4. Declare Your Values And Stick With Them
Declare your values. Stick with them. Warren Buffett walks away from deals the moment they detect any discrepancy in numbers that look fraudulent — even at the last hour of a deal. Jobs notoriously stuck to his guns of simplicity, elegance and ease of use. Compromised values breed mistrust in leadership and the brand. – Mike Koenigs, The Superpower Accelerator
5. Upgrade To A Growth Mental Model
While failure to failure widens the doors of innovation and creative problem-solving skills, it’s not easy to give space to mistakes for perfectionists and leaders who have type A personalities. Besides, stories have the power of healing. Listening to failure stories and starting to tell them are the first steps of upgrading to the growth mental model which is an invitation for success. – Elif Suner, MBA, M.Ed, PCC,
6. Remember That Transparency Is Key
Transparency is key for leaders. Whether it’s a bad interview/quote in the media or a crisis, leaders must immediately take ownership and be accountable. The Tylenol poisoning crisis in ’82 would have tanked most brands. But J & J had a plan in place in case of such an event, and the leader communicated directly, and took immediate action and responsibility to gain back consumers’ trust. – Susan Sadler, Sadler Communications LLC
7. Treat Failure As A Rite Of Passage
If you’re not failing, you’re not innovating. When Rocket Lab’s recent launch ended in failure, Elon Musk tweeted, “Sorry to hear about this. Hope you get back to orbit soon. Rockets are hard.” Simple, heartfelt words from someone who knows what it’s like to fail on a grand scale. When you work at the cutting edge of innovation, failure is a necessary rite of passage to getting things right. – Gabriella Goddard, Brainsparker Leadership Academy
8. Remember That Someone Is Always Watching
There is a theory that there is nothing new under the sun and that much of what we see today that is negative in the press isn’t new, it’s just visible now. The most important lesson we all need to learn is that someone is always watching. The line between what’s public and private is fully blurred, and integrity matters more than ever. – Kathi Laughman, The Mackenzie Circle LLC
9. Seek Feedback To Build Self-Awareness
When I think about infamous CEOs — those in public and private companies, as well as government and nonprofits — each suffer from a deficit of self-awareness. Evidence of this is how they don’t understand their impact on others, they believe they are the smartest person in the room and/or nothing is ever their fault. The solution: proactively seek feedback and really listen to what you hear. – Lee Eisenstaedt, Leading with Courage Academy
10. Treat Others As You Wish To Be Treated
Leadership and management, at every level, should never abandon the Golden Rule — treat others as you wish to be treated. This childhood lesson applies to even the most complex business dealings. Approaching decisions with integrity and honesty, as well as some creativity, will usually make for a winning combination of checks and balances to perform the job competitively, yet sleep well at night. – Lindsay Miller, Reverie Organizational Development Specialists
11. Don’t Violate Stockholders’ Trust
Former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick’s removal is a cautionary tale indeed. Inherently, the ride-sharing industry relies on trust and community-building to grow. Kalanick violated all the tenuous trust relationships with investors, employees, drivers and riders. Despite his track record and skills, in the end, it was his lack of “character” that destroyed his leadership credibility and Uber’s trust in him. – Kelly Huang, Genesis Advisers
12. Have A Humanitarian Approach
One thing people in leadership positions can learn from CEOs in the press is to invest in the culture of the company with healthy lifestyles, healthy thought patterns and healthy relationships. They can also learn to have a humanitarian approach to their company, ensuring correct business practices in alignment with nature’s laws. – Jennifer Helene, Purposeful Ventures, LLC
via Forbes – Leadership “https://ift.tt/35Uaszf”
August 27, 2020 at 05:27AM